
Rice Krispy Treat

This was another group assignment we had to do for James' class. We were given an ad for rice krispy treats and told to recreate it exactly how it was in the add. I was happy to get this one because that meant I got to make rice krispy treats! So what you see is a product of my cooking abilities hahaha....that doesn't say much, the recipe was wrong and I ended up having WAY too many marshmallows! They still turned out very good though. My group was Laura, Carolyn, and I. We shot it on the Mamiya 645 camera with a digital Leaf Aptus back.

Our setup


Robert Franklin said...

I like this, very creative. Its always interesting to see the setups too.

Anonymous said...

That really looks like the advertisement - it's clean too - very professional.

mattbell said...

this is awesome.