
Too Many Laurens!!!

This was our first major project for our Digital Imaging class. We could either do a 360 panoramic, a stacked 180, a Frankenstein composite, or a too many twins composite. I chose to have twins. Thank you to Lauren for changing her outfit each time, and playing on the playground for me in the hot sun. She is wearing all my close, including those bunny slippers. Her favorite shot of her would have to be that center one, going down the slide. After many sleepless nights, this is what I have to show. I had trouble blending the mulch, but I think it looks a little better now than it was before. When I had to print this, it ended up being around five feet in length, and 15 inches tall. I had to print it twice, because the printer cut my paper the first time...so as you can see, this assignment caused me a lot of stress, but it is all good in the end.

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